A Group of young chocolate lovers finds an ancient chocolate factory, dating back to old Egypt. The quest begins to unlock the secrets of this mysterious chocolaty place...
Movie Genre: G- Comedy, Fantasy
A young aspiring actor dreams of winning an Oscar statue. The dream is so BIG, he even brings his fake Oscar to school as a "best friend". When a group of his classmates learns, that the Statue is magical, the Oscar goes missing...
Movie Genre: G- Comedy
Once upon a time, there was an ugly monster. The Monster lived alone and was always very sad. Until one day, when the forest fairy discovered him sitting alone in the garden. The fairy and her friends embarked on a new friendship with the creature...
Movie Genre: G- Comedy
What if there is an app that you can download on your smartphone, that tells you exactly the date of your death? And what if you can buy yourself out of your dying destiny? Maybe someone else will trade their life to save yours...
Movie Genre: G- Family, Fiction
It's already difficult not being the most popular kid in school, but to fart everywhere you go on top of it? The only way to save the situation is to keep calm and make everyone else fart as well...
Movie Genre: G- Comedy
Bullying is a serious problem in Jack's elementary school. But it all comes to an end when he creates the magical "Bully's Mirror" when gazing at one's own face creates a strange effect, and the bully becomes bullied...